Tuesday 16 August 2011

beauty in india = fair and lovely :S

okay so if i had to define beauty in Toronto I'd say unique, exotic, trendsetting - beauty or beautiful in Toronto can mean a million different things, because were so multicultural every culture for us is beautiful. But here in India beauty = fair - period, plain and simple - no question about it. Every other television add or billboard sign is for some "fairness cream", girls here die to be fair. And its not just a physical attribute, a girls appearance here can change her whole future! Which school she goes to, which boy she ends up marrying - its a well known accepted unchallenged fact here that fair girls have better lives than darker girls. Is it just me or is that not the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard! I can understand if it was just a physical preference, like how in Toronto, tanning is considered beautiful - tanning salons, creams, built in tan lotions, going on vacation and of course the "GTL" hype, but here in India its totally opposite. Moisturizers like dove and olay have built in fair creams, a company called "fair and lovely" promises that you can become up to 4 shades light in just 1 week if you use 2 of their products together, and these Ad's promote this fantasy that if your lighter, your life will be better.

And the sad part is that a lot of these cream's are being endorsed by bollywood stars, like Katrina Kaif and Deepika Padukone , I would think that as actress's and such major media figures, they would want to promote the "beauty isn't just external" campaign instead of making money off campaigns that tell girls that if they're dark, they're ugly. And let me just say for the record - Deepika's skin in not as light as it looks in this add, she's actually significantly darker, but that doesn't make her less beautiful - it just means they've digitally lightened her skin - so in truth - they're selling a lie.

Look at this link to get a better idea of what I'm talking about!

This is beauty - defined by India - and I'm not a big fan :(

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